Lindab launches DCV One – an all-in-one supply unit for Demand Controlled Ventilation
Lindab´ innovative supply unit DCV One is now available in the Nordic region. DCV One is an all-in-one solution for room supply control, with features like integrated VAV damper and room controller, as well as temperature and presence control.
– Building with DCV One is a cost-effective ventilation solution and an investment in future flexibility, says Jesper Laursen, Product Manager at Lindab.
Lindab has several years of experience working with Demand Controlled Ventilation also known as DCV which is a ventilation system based on variable airflow according to actual demand in the room. In larger buildings, the regulation of indoor climate in relation to the high energy consumption, poses two of the biggest challenges that a DCV system can solve in a smart way thanks to the intelligent temperature and presence control. Lindab´s knowledge of DCV systems lay the foundation when developing DCV One, with the aim to have as many integrated solutions as possible in one unit, in order to optimize both functionality, flexibility and installation.
– We have simplified the product and offer our customers the service and support they need to build a good indoor climate. On top of that, a system with DCV One units will always be easy to re-configure to adapt to new needs in the building, without the need for renovating the whole ventilation system, says Jesper Laursen.
DCV One is smooth both today and in the future
A DCV One unit doesn’t require pressure regulation or silencer in front of the box as you would need in a traditional ventilation system, which saves space and makes it more flexible and smooth to work with.
The unit is easy to install, the room regulator is attached to the box itself and room sensors are discrete placed in the diffuser part. It comes assembled, wired up and ready to install with all that is needed for a good and well-functioning DCV room solution for a pleasant indoor climate environment. The pre-assembled unit is delivered fully tested and reduces the risk of potential errors and ease up the total installation time.
– We know that the needs can change over time and that is why we’ve made our DCV system to be flexible today, tomorrow and in the future. We have high expectations to the new DCV One unit in the Nordic market and are looking forward to follow this solution over time, Jesper Laursen concludes.